New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tell me this isn't a little weird looking

I mean aside from the goatee, which seems to be part of the red sox uniform, isn't it a litte off-putting to see Smoltz as a Red Sox after 20 years as a Brave? 20 years? I was four years old 20 years ago, this is kind of crazy. Anyways, as a Yankee fan its interesting to see the contrasting off-season for the rival sox. While we've gone out and bought virtually every big ticket free agent the Steinbrenner money can buy, the Sox in contrast have picked some names off the scrap heap and compiled a great deal of depth in their rotation and the bullpen. With Smoltz, Penny, and Saito as well you have three guys who have great reputations and a long line of success with their previous teams, but have subsequently been discarded because of injury concerns. Now these guys are no sure bets, Smoltz in perticular at 40 years old and a bad shoulder you have to wonder if he has anything left in the tank, but these three are only a year removed from dominant All-Star performances. Take a look at Penny's numbers


Now I know what people are going to say "hey he's injury prone, weren't you just moaning and groaning about another former marlin with an injury history signing with the yanks?" Yes true, but the difference is the Red Sox are buying low, signing him to a one year deal with no lost draft pick like how the yankees' lavish spending on Burnett that meant not only five years of paying Burnett, but giving up a draft pick to the Blue Jays. Simply put, if he sucks, well you weren't depending on him to giving you innings anyways and you just kick him to the curb and you're out of 5 million, big deal. If he comes anywhere to near approximating to his performance in the last few years, well they've got themselves a steal on their hands. Same thing with Smoltz


I don't think I'll get any argument that those are some pretty decent numbers from a sure-fire hall of famer and one hell of a competitor. Of course those numbers do come with conditions, like the fact that he's 40 and you have concerns whether he'll ever be completely healthy but again, if you can take a flier on John Smoltz, why wouldn't you? If he's not healthy and he can't pitch, you're out 5.5mil, but if he is healthy, well that's a pretty damn good sixth starter in the second half of the season.

Now I'm sure for many sox fans these guys are little consolation for the fact that they missed out on the big prizes, namely mark texiera, but as the rays showed us this year to win in this league you need pitching, pitching, and more pitching. Guys get hurt all the time thats the nature of the game and if you don't have the arms to replace them, as in the case of the yankees, you're going to be searching your rolodex for the sidney ponsons of the world. Instead the sox have two guys who can come into their rotations and potentially do more than just man the ship, but who can actually come in and dominate, and they have the pedigrees and the history to back that up. Especially with the World Baseball Classic looming and Lester and Dice-K putting extra stress on their arms with innings in march and april I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if they need those guys down the road. Time will tell, but I think these low risk, high-reward moves will pay off, nicely done Theo.


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