New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's on a Month Away.....


This may be hard to believe, especially when I think about the fact that it was eleven freaking degrees out when I got out to my car this morning, but the beginning of spring training is a month away, a month! The day pitchers and catchers report is a funny day when you think about it, baseball crazy people like me count down all winter to a day that nothing really happens. I mean it's not like I can turn on YES and see a yanks-sox game or something, its a day where at least most of the pitchers and catchers check in to their hotels and maybe show up for some pitchers at the field. But in truth it really means so much more to fans everywhere, it means new beginnings. Here at the very dawn of the new season everything is plausible everything is even again and fans everywhere are abound with new expectations. Can we get another good year out of our veteran pitcher? Is this the year the kid breaks through? Is the year things finally come together? I realize that sounds pretty cheesy, and in truth its probably a whole lot easier for me as a yankee fan to envison winning the pennant than say a pirates fan, but who is to say what is sticking your head in the clouds after last year? Who would've thought the Rays, the prennial doormat would win 97 freaking games?! Anyone? Anyone? I'm getting a bit off point, but the short of it is we stand at the cusp of a new potentially great season, where our aspirations and expectations as fans are only bound by we ourselves can fathom. Who is to say we won't see the emergence of a new miracle team? Who is to say that this season will see the breakout of a new mega-star? I think of all these things I cannot help but get excited about what's to come because very soon the snow will melt, the players will dust off their bats and mits and the fans will find their way back into the stands and baseball will be back. I can't wait.


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