New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

This game, the 1960 World Series game 7 where Bill Mazeroski famously hit a walk-off home run to beat the unbeatable Yankee team was a day game, can you imagine that today? Nowadays, FOX in all its inifinite wisedom has decided that baseball's most important series and their greatest moments ought to occur after 8pm the coveted "prime time" slot, if that game were to happen this year, that moment woul have probably happened around 1:30 in the morning and there'd be no one rushing the field like that because they'd all have work later that day, imagine what history would have lost! Well it seems that someone with a semblance of a brain is a FOX executive now because they decided that games should start before 8pm for some crazy reason and I couldn't be happier, well maybe if they made a few of them some day games, but its a start.
I know a lot of people don't really love day games, but I think they're the best, the way baseball should be played. Sure I myself and most other people have jobs that occupy their days which kind of hurts the market for the game on television, but I think that this fact makes it all the more desirable and romantic. Indeed, what's a better day than giving your best fake sick voice to call the boss and head out to see a day baseball game? While all your miserable co-workers are stuck in their cubicles wallowing away in under the bright floresent lights for a day you're out in nature, taking in the fresh air, eating greasy food, drinking some beers and enjoying the great game of baseball. Even if you aren't fortunate enough to get out and you're stuck at work, at least in my experience its hardly "work" following the game. Whether its on the radio or gameday audio on your computer or gamecast, nothing beats undermining the system by sneaking in on what's going on in the game.
Of course this relatively small gesture doesn't mean that world series day games are on their way back too, but its nice to see that the powers that be are slightly taking their heads out of their asses on this one. Sure maybe the games won't start in "prime time" but maybe a good trade off will be that the real crucial parts of the game will be instead of at 12:25am! They haven't said how much earlier, but I say the earlier the better.


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