New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

I haven't posted a whole lot if you noticed, and its because these assholes have made my baseball viewing experience miserable. Indeed, if you've heard over the last two weeks or so the Red Sox have embarassed the Yankees whether that be in Boston or New York and it's beyond painful for me to watch or admit, but they're just too damn good. Sure they're not a perfect team by any means, their number three hitter David Ortiz has a grand total of zero home runs, their revolving door at shortstop seems to have stopped at Nick Green right now, but they're just too damn good. The yankees may have spent a great deal of money to improve themselves but if you saw any of these "games" I'd call them massacres its pretty plain that they're as a perfect as a team gets. Great fielding, hitters who are patient enough to work counts and wear down pitchers but aggressive enough to hit it out of the park at any moment, superb starting pitching with obcene depth, and top it all off with a nasty bullpen top to bottom its a team that makes my heart sink.
I'll be the first to admit I'm spoiled as a yankee fan. In 1995-6 when I started watching I was still in elementary school and they've just gone on winning ever since, I don't know any other way other than that from my beloved yankees so I take it especially hard to lose to them, but it seems plain that we're second or maybe even third best in this division. Indeed, I imagine I feel how many red sox fans felt in those salad days of the yankee dynasty, even when things are going up I feel the oncoming dread of eventual loss, and for good reason because they've got it all. They've got the smartest baseball people, Theo, Jed Hoyer an the rest of the Yale Boys, a weathy and dedicated owner in John Henry and add into that mix Bill Freaking James, THE greatest baseball mind we've ever seen! They make all the right moves, draft all the best guys that no one else expected, make smart trades and free agent signings and even if they do mess up and get burned on a deal they have the depth in their system to make up for it. So Julio Lugo sucks? Well we've got Jed Lowrie waiting in the wings! Didn't sign Texiera? Welll we've got Lars Anderson, rated one of the top ten prospects in baseball by Baseball America to play first base in a year or so! It just makes me cringe.
I'm not saying that the yankees are a "bad" team or that they in turn do everything wrong, but compared to how the sox run their organization its hard not to look they're run by morons. When the yankees screw up they screw up big, they get it plastered all over the news, when they overcharge fans for tickets they hear about it the most even though the red sox have done it for years. They're just the team of the decade, the team of the moment, so brimming with talent and smarts and good fortune that it always seems like they always get the big hit when they need it, they get the dominating start from the kid from the farm, a ball goes through the right hole in the infield and so on and so forth. I just fucking hate it, it makes me sick but its hard to deny, impossible even. Maybe the yankees will rebound, in fact im sure they will they get A-Rod back and their bullpen can only get better from how they've looked now, but even then I can only see them being second best, a wild card maybe to the Sox's smooth sailing to the top of the standings. We fans of the baseball world are living in the golden age of the Red Sox and I couldn't be more miserable about it.


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