New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dude, Give it Up

It's a shame that steriods seem to be the news of the day everyday these days for baseball, but these guys just won't go away, bad news just keeps popping up every opportunity you get, and one of the reasons for that is this guy, the Rocket Roger Clemens. I just really don't get this guy, I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of the guy even as a yankee, his surly and haughty demeanor always rubbed me the wrong way, but when he ended up on the Mitchell Report I was a little surprised (even if I really shouldn't have). But while everyone else eventually came around and admitted it, including his buddy Andy Pettitte, Clemens has just dug himself deeper and deeper. He's marched to Washington over it, been on every talk show and anyone else willing to listen to him spew bullshit and where has it gotten him? He's lost friends, like Andy, disrespected his wife by blaming her for the steroids and revealing his less than faithful ways and pretty much ruined his reputation in the eyes of everyone who respected him. And whats worse is as John Heyman so astutely observed, he's probably more likely going to jail than Barry Bonds is now, the cheater of cheaters and rightly so. It's one thing that he did steroids, it was wrong it cheated the game, and so on and so forth, but as we have seen in recent years he's far from alone, but its an entirely other thing to go grandstanding and showing his utter comtempt for the accusation even though he has no real hard facts to disprove their accusations. Seriously, what has he brought to the discussion other than saying essentially "I'm the Rocket, how dare you accuse me of being anything less being god-like!"
All of this has been done to death by everyone with a computer and every sports writer worth the ink, but the whole enterprise seems so counter-intuitive. Just think of all the other admitted PED users like Pettitte and Giambi and the rest of them, they admitted it, they apologized and eventually people got over it. Were their careers forever slightly tainted? Sure, but at the very least they fessed up when they had to, and as fans have shown in the past they're willing to forgive if you can go back and perform as many have. Instead of that and possibly going into the Hall of Fame, Clemens doesn't stand a chance to and for good reason; he's an asshole. Instead of doing any of those things he has revealed his true nature to the public, a coninving, back-stabbing, arrogant prick who would throw anyone under the bus to attempt to revive and reputation, and a lot good that did. Indeed, after a year plus of this nonsense it almost seems sad in this pathetic tale of self-deception. Clemens was on the Mike and Mike show earlier this week and it hardly got a blip of press, and why should it? His lies are plain to everyone at this point, the evidence against him is so damning and clear, and any attempt to dispell them seems a bit ridiclous. For sure, who was Clemens fooling when he said he could never take steroids because of a family history of heart problems because his STEP FATHER had heart problems. Really Roger? That's the best you've got? In case you didn't know this, but STEP FATHER means they're NOT related to you dude.
Part of me is sad to see him or any great athlete fall from grace, but as they say pride comes before the fall. Clemens has only himself to blame for this fiasco and it will never get better so long as he pretends that these pesky facts don't exist. Give it up dude, maybe over time people will forgive you if you go up there and say "you know what i screwed up, I made a bad decision and I handled it poorly, I'm sorry" eventually people would not think he's a total douche, but th way things are going right now that will never happen.


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