New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cherry Picking Stats works both ways

Now those scant few of you who read this regularly know how I feel about this sensationalism that is coronating the New Yankee Stadium as "Coors Field East" that the new stadium was an abomination a disgrace to baseball and it would ruin the yankees. Now I'm not saying this is affirmation of my thesis because its all too small of a sample size to start freaking out, but consider the last four games at yankee stadium. In four games, the same amount the Cleveland series where 20 were hit, a mere 9 were hit with five of those coming in one game. Now does this mean anything? No it doesn't but neither do the first four games, ITS JUST FOUR GAMES. Like I said earlier, its baseball, crazy shit happens all the time in this game, and when you get two teams that hit the crap out of the ball with lousy bullpens and starting rotations that have some suspect members its very possibly and indeed likely that 20 home runs can be hit in four games, that's how baseball goes. But as the next four games showed I believe baseball is a game of averages, there's some ups and downs but in the end things even out. Indeed, if we had flipped these sets of fours games, would anyone be talking about yankee stadium as a fucking disaster? No.
At least for me this whole "crisis" is just yet another example of the national sports media's zeal to make everything sensational. Everything needs to be this huge problem, everyone wants to flip out about a bad day or few days. If you're smart and look at the big picture instead of cherry picking and jumping to conclusions like so many in the media do, its pretty evident that you can't say anything substaintial without substanital data to back it up. Who knows maybe the stadium will prove to be a true home run haven where balls just fly out like never before, but until that happens over say oh I dont know a season, or at the very least a half season all this talk is a lot of crap.


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