If you haven't heard, one of my favorite baseball players to talk about/bash who is currently serving a 50 game suspension for PEDs Manny Ramirez is somehow fourth in All-Star voting and needless to say I'm pretty livid. Who knows, maybe people are smarter than I give them credit for, maybe this is some sort of huge inside joke, a nation of baseball fans collectively choosing to be ironic and use the platform of the all-star game to point out hypocrisy in the baseball rulebook, maybe, but I'm not buying it. Indeed, as there is no rule saying players who are suspended for steroids cannot be voted into the all-star game the fans have every right technically to vote Mannywood into the all-star game, but that right does not necessarily it just. For sure, he's a great player and a very popular one at that, but the guy cheated and he was found out and punished for it. Doesn't anyone else find it a bit ridiclous that he can be simultanously accliamed and villified at the same time? No it is not fair to the game and more importantly its not fair to the many worthy National League Outfielders who have actually played most of this season and are deserving of the honor.
Now I realize that my ranting and raving seems kind of ridiclous, after all its an all-star game and I've written here numerous times about not coming down too hard on steroid users. After all, its a game, a pretty meaningless game that is meant to promote the stars of the game, spotlight some nice stories like Josh Hamilton and just be some fun, but that's missing the point. Sure Manny is a star of the game, his "Manny being Manny" antics have made him beloved by many in Boston and now Los Angeles, but the bottom line is HE BROKE THE RULES. It's pretty simple and I don't see why people think this is perticularly difficult, there are a very concrete set of rules and regulations for baseball and indeed in life, if you break one of those, perticularly one of the more serious ones that has you miss fifty games in a season it just doesn't make sense that you can be simulateously praised as well, its asinine. It's like someone getting arrested for breaking and entering and being put in jail and the next week he's elected to be mayor or given the keys to the city, you don't do something like that to a criminal because well they're not deserving of commendation, they broke the rules! The combination of the two is just completely incompatible by their very nature, making this development all the more puzzling.
Further, the All-Star game is reserved for the "all-stars" of the league, how can manny be recognized as one of the best in the game when he played maybe 25 games so far this year! Is he leading the league in any statisical category? Is he making any big plays for his team? No, because he's not playing! Why make him an all-star when there are plenty of worthy candidates of players who are bona fide stars or guys on the verge of stardom? How about Jay Bruce with 14 home runs already, Adam Dunn having a career year with his best batting average ever and already 42RBIs? There are countless guys out there who are plenty deserving of the honor who didn't get caught breaking one of the more publicized laws of baseball.
Maybe I should be happy about this development, after all I believe that Manny and many of the other steroid users should be recognized for their achievements, perticularly in the hall of fame and it seems that the fans are on my side. They more than anyone shape the game and they have pretty unanmously said that we don't care that they used steriods, these are the guys we love, we still think they're great and we're going to promote them and they have every right to according to the rules as they stand, but I say these rules need to be changed. The fact that that such hypocrisy is running rampant in baseball is shameful and Bud Selig should be calling an emergency meeting of the owners to fix this immediately and its not that hard, its pretty simple: Any player suspended, due to violation of Major League Baseball's drug policy, shall be ineligible for the next All-Star Game! Is that so hard? Because for all the work Bud is supposedly doing, he's allowing a lack of regulation to truly undermine the effects of suspension. After all, if you were a baseball player and you were considering taking steroids or continuing to take steroids the example of manny is a pleasant one, you can get caught punished, but ultimately you'll still be the good guy! It sickens me and I hope I don't have to watch that baggy pants bastard trotting around the outfield in Saint Louis, he broke the rules and should be punished, not praised.
It's no secret that I've been less than pleased with the Yankees play thus far this season. Indeed, floating around .500 thanks to a five game pasting by the Red Sox and a 5 game losing streak they've been all around shitty. As my brother will tell you, I've complained they've been just a mess, if they're hitting well their starting pitching sucks, if their starting pitching does its job, the bullpen blows it, if they don't we don't get the timely hit or play defense, and so on and so forth. Throw in having like half of the opening day starters out for significant time, I've been generally miserable about the Yanks' chances these days. But it seems the bad fortune and bad play couldn't go on forever, as all of a sudden the old and rickety yankees are the comeback kids, winning three in a row in walk off fashion (I was fortunate enough to be there for the third) winning five in a row, but is it legit? Have they turned the corner and are finally coming along and realizing their potential as a world series contender? Time will tell.
Now the article doesn't precisely that something must be "done" about Micah, but the inferrence is clear and for good reason. Certainly if Micah is such a prolific hitter, imagine what he would do with 500ABs, what kind of hitter would he be? Now while I profess to be a great appreciator of sabermetrics and I can't say I have the same grasp of it the way these guys do, but I think its just not enough data to make a reasoned position on the matter and no clear cut solutions either, perticularly on where do you play him? Say you make him an outfielder, where does he play on the Reds? Dickerson is in left, Bruce is in right field, can you expect a pitcher play a competant centerfield? Do you take a chance putting him in the infield? For sure there is no clear cut answer to where you could even feasibly put him in everyday.
But for me at least I hope Micah stays as a pitcher because he's great just the way he is. Indeed, as I have stated before I love the idea of a guy who can throw it and hit it darn well, a guy who can dominate every facet of the game because he is in a unique position to do. Sure a fielder can make some nice plays in the field and get some big hits, but that's only a few sparse plays of the game, a pitcher is involved with all the important action throughout the game. Especially today as the game is so specialized and pitchers just routinely never take batting pratice and look like it when they're at the plate it's refreshing to see someone to come in at the nine hole and just crush the ball, there's nothing like it. So while he's not a great pitcher, league average is still good enough for the back end of the rotation in most NL rotations, enough to justify giving him the ABs to keep up our fascination. Because if he is converted to an outfielder I fear we'll never hear from Micah Ownings again, he's better in this small sample, apart from the scrutiny of 500+ ABs where pitchers can find his holes and make him look average. Indeed just look at the not so big separation from his batting average and on-base percentage, if he's not hitting he's not going to be that productive of a hitter. Keep Micah as the exception of the rule because its more fun that way.

The closest, and they aren't even remotely close, are Kevin Brown (211-144), Dwight Gooden (194-112) and J.R. Richard (107-71). No one else has more than 169 career wins; and of all pitchers drafted since '65, only 14 have won 125 games.
Among active pitchers, Josh Beckett (91-64) may have a chance to be a Hall of Famer someday. Or we can dream about young Tim Lincecum. But the pickings are very slim.
Yes it only took me a month, but I stumbled upon some free tickets to the controversial and epic New Yankee Stadium. I was planning on going in a week or so, but hey I'll take free field level seats to a yankee game anyday even if they are playing like fucking shit haha. Anyways, I'll be going tommorrow and will give you my comprehensive review about the new place the food the sightlines etc etc like I did with Citi Field for my loyal readers breathlessly waiting to hear my take on the new ball field. Until then hopefully they get a win so I won't feel quite so miserable seeing them.
Probably one of the biggest surprises thus far is the Dodger's utter dominance early on this season, perticularly at home where they have tied the record for home wins to start as season 12, tied with the 1911 Detroit Tigers. Indeed, a lot of the pundits were high on the Dodgers after Manny signed with the team, but with so many pitching woes thus far its a bit remarkable that they have done as well as they have.
If you were to look at the pitching lines of some of the dodgers staff for the last month you'd be hard pressed to believe that they are the team to beat. With Kiroda down for a few months the staff has been shaky at best, relying on james mcdonald sporting a 8.16ERA and never lasting more than 5 innings, a feat he accomplished only once. After him it doesn't get a whole lot better, with the much ballyhooed Clayton Kershaw who has been dazzling at times, striking out 13 in seven innings agains the giants, but has been spotty, lasting less than five innings three times already and with a none too impressive 5.46ERA otherwise. Eric Stults has similiarly been unreliable, averaging barely 5 innings with an ERA of 5 as well. Now you take all of that, three of your five starters giving you less than five innings a game, and those innings being some pretty shitty innings, how are they possibly so good?
I don't have an answer for the question entirely but it seems the rest of the dodger team is playing at a very high level, with Torre getting spectacular performances from Orlando Hudson, who's smacking the ball with a line .311/.411/526, an improved Matt kemp hitting of .289/.369/.515 which has his on base and slugging going up considerable, and Andre Ethier smacking the ball at .327/.439/.574 coupled with manny's typically spectacular .348/.491/.641. Wow just collecting those stats is starting to make the reason for their success very clear, they're just obliterating the ball i mean to have all of those guys in the same lineup hitting at such a high level thats insane, wow. Add in some stellar bullpen performances despite Torre's best efforts you've got a team that despite some serious pitching fallings are off too an insanely hot start.
All this said, I don't buy this team being as good as they're playing. Sure they're not a bad team and judging how the rest of this division has been looking, perticularly my sleeper the Diamondbacks who have looked very bad so far, they could win the division going away. But when it comes to face the rest of the league and possibly in all of the majors they're going to have problems. If 3/5 of your staff is consistently sucking when its their turn to go, and the other side of your staff is injury prone and mediocre Randy Wolf and "due for a sophmore slump" Chad Billingsley (he's awesome but not as your most reliable starter, not yet at least) you're asking for trouble. Sure they're offense has been spectacular but can they honestly expect to keep this up all year? Hardly, such a performance would be record setting. As I am apt to say time will tell on this one, they've clearly got talent, but they need a whole lot more from their starting pitching to reasonably expect to compete come October.
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OKC's Sam Presti is an overrated draft savant11 months ago
RAB: Origins5 years ago
Some Key Terms to Know When Reading
wOBA - a new one I'll be using, short for weighted on-base average is essentially an improvement on OPS. Scaled to average OBP (with .330 the league average) wOBA more properly weighs on-base percentage higher than slugging percentage and more accurately weighs extra base hits (a double isn't worth double of that of a single which is what SLG does) to give a better picture of a batter's worth.
.000/.000/.000 is the industry shorthand for the split stats for batting average, on base percentage, and slugging percentage, in that order, these are some of the more commonly used stats to indicate how productive a hitter is.
OPS - shorthand for On-Base Percentage Plus Slugging is becoming more in vogue in the mainstream media to get a better idea of the raw production of a hitter, instead of saying how often they get a hit OPS shows how productive those hits are.
BABIP - Batting Average on Balls in play, its pretty much what it says, how often that a batter puts in ball in play that it becomes a hit, its a stat that shows if a hitter is just having a lot of bad luck or a hot streak is just fluky. For instance a BABIP of .200 is considered unlucky its not that he's not hitting, he just isn't hitting where the fielders are not there.
OPS+ - as the name implies, OPS+ is OPS but with adjustments to park effects and other outliers to normalize the data. Indeed, as most people know some parks are harder to hit at than others, which this stat compensates for, 100 being the baseline of league average
ERA+ - similar to OPS+ its a more highly sophisticated way of evaluating a pitcher's performance adjusted for park effects, this also is on a numerical basis with 100 as league average.
FIP - short for fielding independent pitching, FIP measures the only aspects of the game that a pitcher has total control over, strikeouts, walks, and home runs. Scaled to ERA, FIP gives a truer indication of a pitcher's true talent by removing the luck apparent with balls in play.
WHIP - Walks and Hits per innings pitched, a little more well known stat, but a good indicator of how effective a pitcher is. Chances are if a guy is walking a lot of guys and giving up a hot of hits, he's not pitching all that well.
xFIP- a variation of FIP which normalizes home run rates as a way to discount aberrational home run rates that are either too high or too low to reasonably sustain.
UZR- Short of Ultimate Zone Rating, this is the number of runs above or below average a fielder is in both range runs and error runs combined. This is a difficult stat to understand because it's not one of those stats you can figure out at home, because it includes a bevy of factors including park effects and speed. As a consequence, its not a perfect stat, but its the best defensive stat we have. Also seen as UZR/150 is the Ultimate Zone rating per 150 games.
RngR - Range Runs is defined as the number of runs above or below average a fielder is, determined by how the fielder is able to get to balls hit in his vicinity. Also not a perfect fielding stat, but one of the many fielding stats that help as as fans get a fuller picture of a player's defensive prowess.
About Me
- burnsie77
- Morristown, NJ, United States
- I write and read everything I can about baseball and have some thoughts about it.
Blog Archive
- Manny in the All-Star Game, You've Got to Be Kidding
- The Rangers should be very happy to have Derek Hol...
- Too Much, Too Soon
- Uhh Nevermind
- Peavy to be traded to the other Chicago team, prob...
- The Blue Jays are In First, but are they REALLY th...
- A Couple of Leftys Pitching Like its 2003
- Sweep or not, the Twins are Solid
- What a difference a week makes
- World Series Games to Start Before 8pm, can we get...
- How the Mighty Have Fallen
- The Enigma of Micah Ownings
- Dude, Give it Up
- A Great Stadium for A Shitty Team
- Manny the Newest Member of the PED Club
- Sidd Finch Come to Life, or Is he?
- I'll be one of the lucky few to sit among empty se...
- Meanwhile, things are rosy for Torre's Dodgers in ...
- The Red Sox are in A Class By Themselves
- Cherry Picking Stats works both ways
Blog Archive
- Manny in the All-Star Game, You've Got to Be Kidding
- The Rangers should be very happy to have Derek Hol...
- Too Much, Too Soon
- Uhh Nevermind
- Peavy to be traded to the other Chicago team, prob...
- The Blue Jays are In First, but are they REALLY th...
- A Couple of Leftys Pitching Like its 2003
- Sweep or not, the Twins are Solid
- What a difference a week makes
- World Series Games to Start Before 8pm, can we get...
- How the Mighty Have Fallen
- The Enigma of Micah Ownings
- Dude, Give it Up
- A Great Stadium for A Shitty Team
- Manny the Newest Member of the PED Club
- Sidd Finch Come to Life, or Is he?
- I'll be one of the lucky few to sit among empty se...
- Meanwhile, things are rosy for Torre's Dodgers in ...
- The Red Sox are in A Class By Themselves
- Cherry Picking Stats works both ways