New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

On an aside about the Yankee-Orioles game, I found it perticularly classless how Baltimore fans assaulted Mark Texiera during the game with hate signs and the incessent booing. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to boo guys or anything like that, that's part of the game and these guys are highly paid atheltes/entertainers, they have to deal with it. No, that didn't bother me but the reason for their being indignant I think is totally ridiclous. Okay he's from Maryland, awesome that's great, but does that mean he HAS to fucking sign with your shitty Orioles? I mean hey I'm a yankee fan but if I was a pro baseball player and the Angels offered me more money and a better opportunity to win than the yankees, I'd be an Angel, and why not? (if it was the Red Sox, the answer might not have been as easy, but money talks) You're a ballplayer and its your job, you have to do what's in your best interest, and going to Baltimore is not for Tex. Cal Ripken on ESPN radio who was also similiarly pissed at the fans said it best, if Texiera was really only about the money he would have signed with the Orioles, because if you're going to Baltimore and their decade plus long commitment to sucking you're sure as shit not going there to win! The only reason you'd go there is the dollar signs. Yeah okay, they've got some nice pieces that I like, but they're not anywhere near contention yet, so why would Texiera sign there and get beat by the rest of the AL when he has a chance to win and make more money elsewhere? Seriously Baltimore fans, grow up, if you want something to get mad about, how about the fact that your team has put a shitty product on the field year in and year out since 1996? THAT'S something to get mad about, not about a guy who happened to grow up in Maryland choosing to go somewhere else and be successful.
My sentiment isn't this strong just beacuse he's a yankee, its because its stupidity running amuck. You can hate a guy on another team and boo him and make fun of him like how A-Rod pretty deservingly gets it in Fenway, but this sort of hatred of Texiera is just plain stupid. Hate him for a good reason, like the fact he's a good player on a rival team.


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