New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Yes its true, the snow has melted (around here it at least), the sun is still out when I get out of work, and most importantly baseball is back, and not that laid-back spring traning stuff, or that World Baseball classic nonsense, no this is real baseball, baseball that matters at the highest level of competition and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pumped for this.

Although the magic of Opening day has been taken away a little bit, ESPN has decided it should start Sunday night for some godforsaken reason there is something really great about the beginning of a new season. A day of excitement and optimisim, its a day that brings out the kid in everyone, some smart ones skipping work to indulge in our national pastime, forget about worries and cares for three hours.

Although it doesn't really look like it in New Jersey and most of the east coast, its the true beginning of spring, college basketball is thankfully over after today and America's game starts a new. I can't wait


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