New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life can be fleeting

As I learned myself this past July with the passing of my father suddenly, life is something to be cherished everyday because it can be here today and gone tommorrow. Such is the case for the young Nick Adenhart, 22, who passed this morning after being involved in hit and run accident as a passenger on his way home from the stadium. Pitching earlier that night and having his sterling pitching performance of six scoreless innings, only to have it blown by the bullpen, it seemed that Adenhart's luck was only beginning to unravel as a friend of his drove him home when suddenly he was struck by another driver Anthony Thomas Gallo, driving with a suspended lisence for drunken driving and was found to be drunk at the time, who fled the scene. Half an hour later he was found and arrested, but unfortunately the damage had been done, and early this morning the young Adenhart, at the time the youngest pitcher in baseball was gone.
Death is always tragic but it seems moreso when it happens to someone so young, so full of life and promise, on the brink of becoming a major league starter with the big club full time. Although I'm not an Angels fan, I've heard a great deal about the young man since he was drafted, how immensely talented he was and how he seemed destined to follow in the long line of great Angels pitchers in recent years. Unfortunately, it was not to be thanks to a guy who had no business being behind the wheel. I have heard that he will be charged with murder for the deaths of Adenhart and two others and I hope for the ffamiles of the respective people that he be brough to justice swiftly.
None of it will bring the lives of these poor people back, but hopefully the families of these people will get some solace from knowing justice is served. There is not much else one can say other than what a tragedy it is to the baseball community and everyone to have a young man's life end in a flash, he deserved better.


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