New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

On an aside, after seeing this picture of Joba on deadspin I'm ecstatic that there's a no facial hair rule for the yankees because the dude grows some stupid looking beard, it looks like he's channeling his inner Kyle Orton, horrible just horrible. I digress, if you haven't heard the Red Sox "slugger" batting a crisp .220/.294/.322 called out Joba Chamberlain today, warning him to not thing about throwing at his team.

"None of that, man — just play the game the way it's supposed to be, and that's about it," Ortiz said, referring to Chamberlain. "This is a guy, as good as he is, the next step for him will be to earn respect from everybody in the league. He's not a bad guy, but when things like that happen, people get the wrong idea."

He is referring to Joba's very liberal throwing inside at Kevin Youkilis over the last few years, evidently he doesn't think its very cool. Well David I'm sorry but that's the game and frankly your own teammates, perticularly Josh Beckett love throwing at guys, especially at Yankees like Jeter and A-Rod. And while during the Torre tenure he didn't do it becuase they were "better than that"Girardi is finally taking the gloves off with Joba and other guys saying you know what if you're gong to throw at our guys well we're going to put some of your guys on their asses too and what's wrong with that? I'm not advocating hitting guys but throwing inside giving guys some chin music is part of the game, especially when you're talking about guys like Youkilis who are pratically standing on the fucking plate. Pitchers have always known you can't let a guy get comfortable up there and sometimes the situation calls for it. So "Papi" I say first off start hitting like you're supposed and deal with it, its part of the game, your guys are head hunters, as the situation with Beckett in Aneheim showed, so shut the hell up. Jeter and the rest of them don't run their mouths about because they know it comes in the territory. If you don't like it, find another game because this is how it goes.


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