New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Monday, January 11, 2010

McGwire? Steroids? No Way.

Steroid news at this point is so old hat I'm weary of even writing about it at this point.  Time after time we find as our heroes from the last two decades were guilty of taking every advantage they could get, and it seems that Mark McGwire is no different.  In truth, this is hardly news at this point (I mean just look at that picture the guy is a beast) but as McGwire is about to take the Cardinals hitting coach job, Mark has been forced to deal with the issue that he so poorly skirted earlier by announcing today that he took steroids throughout his career and I'm glad he said.  Sure he should've done this sooner, but he gave a very impassioned interview and seemed genuinely remorseful about what he did and seems finally ready to move on with his life.  I always liked McGwire he seemed like a good guy and he was a hell of a player, steroids or no steroids; I mean the guy hit 49 home runs his rookie year in the cavernous Oakland Stadium and he hit them early and often.  I hope that someday he gets into the Hall but I'm sure that won't be for a long time if ever because he was a great player.  Steroids or not, McGwire still had to hit those home runs and the steroids can't make anyone hit dingers like he did, and hopefully this admission will lead others to come forward, but I doubt it.


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