New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

You've Got to Be Kidding Me Fox

I'll write about the game itself later which held my interest, sort of, but what really got me going was the Ceremonial First Pitch by President Obama. Now maybe I'm just weird, but I was very intrigued on whether our faithful leader could throw a strike from the mound, and I wasn't alone. Indeed Bodog a internet betting site was taking bets on whether he'd make plate so I wasn't the only person who felt that, and why not? I mean if this guy is going to be the leader of the free world, the man who speaks for a nation, I would like him or her to be able to throw a strike from the mound, or at least close. Say what you will about President Bush and his politics, which I didn't perticularly care for, when he went out there in 2001 at Yankee Stadium and threw a strike to the catcher that was a fucking moment to remember there, right? In the shadow of the crumbling towers he got up there in the middle of the Bronx all alone by himself and threw a dart right there. Okay I'm sort of being tongue and cheek here, but what I'm not kidding about here is that I was intrigued, I wanted to see this very much, and what did FOX in all their wisdom do? Why they cut away and didn't show the pitch, they didn't show it!! I hate FOX's presentation as it is but this is totally unacceptable and appalling.
I mean first of all, I really don't understand WHY they did it, were they afraid Obama would embrass himself on television? Its not like the President was doing this in some closed set studio, it was in front of an entire stadium full of people, you're pretty much guaranteed a good 40,000 people or however many people were in attendance would see it, people would know what happened, why cut away? What's more is there are a million journalists there would took photographs of it or could speak about it, why cut away, did they think that if America's viewing public didn't see him throw it in the dirt they'd never find out? I find the logic behind the move very puzzling and frustrating, just show the damn game FOX.
I doubt FOX will ever give any sort of response as to why they did it, and that pisses me off even more. FOX seems to have this agenda to force you to think what they want you to think and it makes for some shitty baseball. I realize that the Obama pitch isn't really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but its indicitive of a larger problem with FOX and their unique brand of shit that seems to think they know what's best for America, and that's yankees-red sox is all that matters in baseball, that you should eat a lot of crappy tacos and that you wouldnt want to see the President throw out the first pitch at the All Star Game, Fuck You Fox and fuck you for thinking you know whats best for me as a baseball consumer. All this crap they pull and people wonder why World Series ratings are down to me its no shock at all when you consider the garbage FOX pulls all year, shame on them.


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