I'm sure many of you who read the fine website deadspin have seen this picture, but if you haven't we have here yet another example of FOX's rampant douchebaggery. If you saw the game last night I'm sure you noticed this creep in the stands who they just happen to show fairly frequently, but he is not just any person. No, in fact this was not just some weird fan but a man, no a video of a man who's an actor in the new FOX series "The Observer." They showed this weird bald dude as sort a perverse in-game advertisement for their new show, which I'm sure sucks, and this is just deplorable. Like their incessant advertising isn't bad enough, the powers that be have decided to bombard us fans with their recent crap they're hucking during the freaking game.
Now look I understand they have to make advertising money and they have all sorts of ways of doing that, but this is just too much. They less see this as a baseball game and jus another tool to force people to hear about their other crap whether they like it or not. What's worse is that this is not the first time, evidently this dude has shown up in all sorts of events like American Idol and football games for the last year. This sort of stuff needs to stop immediately. The network has systematically ruined big baseball games for years and there's unfortunately there is no end in sight. I'll stop now because I'm just repeating myself, but the fact remains, its just not good baseball.
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3 hours ago
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