This report just came in a few hours ago, but honestly who the hell needed to hear this to know Barry Bonds did steroids. According to new evidence revealed by the judge for Bonds' perjury trial Barry's urine tested positive for steroids in a 2003 test which of course seems to be pretty damning evidence in the case. To backtrack a bit Bonds testified in the now famous BALCO case that he had taken the "cream" and the "clear" but he did not know that they were performance enhancing drugs, but when asked point blank whether he had ever taken steriods his answer was a pointed no.
Obviously if the attorneys for the state know what they're doing this should help their case and help them win a case that has been going on way too long. I don't perticularly like Barry Bonds and in fact you could say I loathe him but I think the prospect of him going to jail for a very long time because he took steriods seems very silly and ridiclous. Especially when you consider that so many people have admitted to having done them it seems kind of crazy that one of those guys could spend the rest of his days in a state penitentary for it.
Then again, perhaps this is just karma coming back at Barry, many others admitted to doing it, like Giambi and Pettitte, and while they were criticized they were pretty much forgiven for their past trangressions. Guys like Bonds and Clemens who very clearly were using PEDs to break records were given a chance for penance they refused, and in fact they threw it back in disgust that they would even be accused of it. So in return these greatest of cheaters are seeing their sins paid back ten fold, forever disgraced and despised for trying to cheat the system and the game so many love. Maybe a conviction in a perjury case is a bit extreme, but Bonds deserves some sort of punishment for the mockery he made of the game and I hope he gets it.
Twins Notes: Tonkin, Canterino, Topa, Rodriguez
2 hours ago
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