You know how I was saying about how I thought real men own up to mistakes, yeah well this douche, Bug Selig, is not one of them. Selig, the commissioner of Major League Baseball since 1992 (coincidentally around the time steroids became prevalent in the game) made some statements today basically absolving himself of all guilt for this entire era.
"I don't want to hear the commissioner turned a blind eye to this or he didn't care about it," Selig told Newsday in a Monday phone interview. "That annoys the you-know-what out of me. You bet I'm sensitive to the criticism."
Oh I'm sorry Bud, you're sensitive to criticism? Well you're the commissioner of baseball pal, you've resided over the dirtiest era in the game, a time where guys were getting bigger and bigger and you did NOTHING for YEARS. Where were you when McGwire and Sosa were crushing home runs in 98'? How about Bonds? Oh that's right you didn't say a word, and why? Because everyone was happy! The money was coming in, fans were filling the seats, teams were getting rich TV contracts, and for it you are quite well compensated 18.35 million in 2007, why rock the boat? Indeed, Bud, if you're totally free of guilt, well then what the hell are you doing to deserve 18.35 million a year? Is making sure the game stays on the up and up not part of your job description?
Now Selig says he pushed for steroid testing as early as 1995, but he was met with strong resistance from the owners, fine great, but what did you do exactly to "push" for testing? I'll bet anything he gave a cursory attempt to get testing but when he was met with resistance he stopped, and why not? You've got a good thing going Bud, why start a war over something that isn't really a big deal right?
I'm being a little ridiclous, but really, I find this attempt of Selig to claim himself as blameless to be quite distasteful. Yes he's the commissoner he's not there in the clubhouse everyday seeing whats going on and his powers are limited, but I think its pretty clear if you look back that something wasn't right. Guys were bigger than ever, records that were once thought unbreakable were being smashed left and right, guys in their late 30s were having career years, isn't that a little funny? I mean yeah athletes are bigger and faster than ever, but their are limits to what someone can do with their body without a little help from chemistry.
For all the money he makes Bud should feel some blame for this mess. He resided over this mess, and he should have been more dilligent. He's not the only one to blame, certainly the players are the ones who allowed these things to be injected in them, but it's guys like Selig who turned a blind eye and allowed for this culture to exist. I'm not saying its all his fault, but its got to be at least PARTLY your fault Bud, its your league, own up to it.
Twins Notes: Tonkin, Canterino, Topa, Rodriguez
2 hours ago
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