New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My NL Picks

            I kind of forgot about doing my National League preview, and since we’re a week in now I should probably get on that.  A lot has been made in the past few years about the National League being the inferior league to the American League, and while that remains true this year, I don’t think the division is as dramatic as it has been in recent years.  Teams like the Phillies and the Rockies are developing great talent from within and spending some money when need be and putting together lineups and rotations that would make any junior circuit team jealous.  Indeed, the easy thing to do is to point to the presence of the Designated Hitter as to why the American League has routinely done better than the Senior Circuit, but how does that explain the fact the National League routinely drubbed the AL all throughout the seventies and into the early nineties?  I digress.  Same deal as my American League picks, no playoff winners because the playoffs are a crapshoot, but I still try to give some analysis.
NL East
1.       Phillies
2.       Braves
3.       Marlins
4.       Mets
5.       Nationals
The winner of this division was arguably the easiest for me to pick of the National League because the Phillies are just so ridiculously good.  Great lineup that got a little better with the loss of Pedro Feliz for Polanco, great rotation that got even better with the World’s Best Pitcher, Roy Halladay, and a bullpen that isn’t great but good enough.  The Braves, even with the loss of Javy Vazquez have a great rotation and a solid lineup that should see some improvement with the J-Hey Kid in the lineup, and a bullpen that is very underrated with the presence of Billy Wagner.  The Marlins and Braves could easily have been swapped, thanks to Josh Johnson and that great lineup around Hanley Ramirez, but that bullpen is flat out garbage without a shred of talent.  As for the Mets, well, sorry to say Mets fans but they kind of suck.  The addition of Bay is good and a healthy Reyes will help a lot, but that rotation is just horrible after Johan, and even he’s no sure thing anymore.  The Nationals will probably be better, but after last year that isn’t saying a whole lot.
NL Central
1.       Cardinals
2.       Reds
3.       Brewers
4.       Cubs
5.       Pirates
6.       Astros
There’s not a whole lot of good to say about this division, because after the Cardinals it’s pretty much garbage everywhere.  The Cardinals with Pujols and Holliday are the class of the division in every aspect, great lineup, great top of the rotation, and a bullpen with a  lot of interchangeable solid arms.  The Reds I do like a bit, love Jay Bruce and some of their young guys to take a step forward and love the potential of their rotation, especially when Chapman comes up shortly because he’s been nasty.  The Brewers should be better than last year with the maturation of Gallardo, a true ace, and a lineup that is as good as any in the National League with that great tandem of Fielder and Braun, but a lot of holes in the rotation and pen.  The Cubs unfortunately had their shot a few years ago and now they’re just old, right handed hitter heavy, and stuck with a has-been ace in Zambrano who just looks horrible out there.  As for the Pirates, it looks like their never-ending rebuilding project will show some improvements with McCutchen and Garrett Jones, but the Astros are just terrible from top to bottom; I don’t think I’d want anyone on that roster.
NL West
1.       Rockies
2.       Diamondbacks
3.       Giants
4.       Dodgers
5.       Padres
The Rockies here are the class of this division by a long shot because of their superb lineup full of young talented guys, a rotation that is super deep and about to get even better as Ace Ubaldo Jiminez has a breakout year and a bullpen that is not too shabby.  I like the young Diamondbacks young talent a lot as well, with a lineup that will only get better as they mature, especially Justin Upton, and a deep rotation with the additions of Edwin Jackson and Ian Kennedy, but Brandon Webb is too much of a question mark for me right now to put them at top, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the wild card.  I really hate the Giants lineup, especially the additions Huff and DeRosa, but any rotation with Lincecum and Cain, as well as a much improved Barry Zito and Jonathan Sanchez is just too good to suck.  As for the Dodgers, they were division leaders last year but their rotation is just bad right now; I mean Christ, Vicente Padilla is their opening day starter, do you really want to bet on a team when that washed up has-been is your Opening Day Starter?  Finally the Padres, well, at least they have Adrian Gonzalez, but they’ve got a whole lot of work to do before they’re good again.   


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