New York Nine

Baseball the way it was meant to be, down and dirty with brutally honest analysis

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Bum's Gotta Go

If you didn't catch the yankees-red sox game last night, you didn't miss much, it's a story we've seen seven times already this year, but what stands out is the yankee pitching. Indeed, after getting a horrible horrible start from Burnett (I hated the signing, still do) the earnstwhile ace as everyone is so fond of saying went to the mound and was similiarly horrible and it was nothing new to this writer. For sure, when Chien Ming Wang came back from Lisfranc surgery on his foot last year I knew he'd take his lumps before he got back, but that's all he seems to be doing these days, taking his lumps. Sporting an unbelievably bad 24.50 era to go with his 0-4 record the guy has just been absolutely awful, and yet they still trot him out there, why!!!
Look I get that he's done it before that he was a good starter for a few years, but past performance does not make up for just shitting the bed everytime he takes the mound, its beyond atrocious. Lasting only 2 2/3 innings last night wang gave up 4 runs on six hits and six walks, and that's an improvement! And naturally there are plenty of apologists from the yankee camp who say oh hey look his velocity is up oh he's got a lot of movement on his pitches blah blah, bullshit! The point of baseball is to um, get outs and he's not doing that one bit, he's arguably been one of the worst starters in the history of baseball for chrissake, I mean the guys batting agsint him are OPSing at 1.027 a clip! That's like MVP numbers! That's right the former 19 game winning is making bums like Sean Green hit like MVPs its remarkable, horrible and more importantly completely unacceptable.
I'm being semi-incoherent I realize, but the whole stiuation is making my head hurt. To be performing so poorly, to be getting hit around so badly to basically do everything wrong and yet they keep trotting him out to start, even when its against the Red Sox who own the yankees? It's crazy and the in truth the insanity must stop. Put him on the DL, make him the long man, something, because this just isnt cutting it. As Phil Hughes showed last night in his relief appearance 3.2 innings 5ks 2 runs thanks to his only mistake of the night, he's at least passable and is showing the yankees that he can at least hang in there against major league hitters, Wang in contrast is not.
Who knows, I really hope that he can turn it around and become a competant starter again, because as AJ Burnett showed the night before, we need all the help we can get, like maybe Burnett getting hit by a truck, but Wang pitching effective would be good too. As I've said here before I don't think the yankees are in the Sox's league right now, but if they dont even have five starters who are at least league average that divide is only going larger and larger. And unfortunately for the yankees that will be the case if Wang makes another start, he's just not there.


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